NDIS Registered Provider

NDIS Playmat & Sensory Toy Provider

Grace & Maggie is proud to be a registered Provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

This scheme is designed to help support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers. 


  • Create a safe play space
  • Easy to clean
  • Look great for all ages
  • Stylish
  • Ergonomical

Grace & Maggie as your NDIS Playmat Provider can help whether your NDIS Plan is Self-Managed, Plan-Managed or an Agency-Managed. 

Our main goal is to help all Australians have a safe space to play, learn and grow. 

We believe playmats should not only look great, but aid in prevention and management of lifelong disabilities.

All our playmats are inclusive of those with disability, which means all of our items have design features that make it easier for someone with a disability. Features such as; grip, non slip, thick foam, calming and neutral tones.


Who can benefit from Grace & Maggie Playmats?

Everyone benefits from universal design. However, when we design our products we consider many different needs. This includes but is not limited to: 

People with fine motor difficulties (including those who have had a stroke or have arthritis). 

People with sensory needs such as someone who is Autistic who may find hard surfaces irritating. 

People with chronic pain or chronic fatigue who need to conserve their energy or pain threshold, so standing on a soft mat may help.

If you are wondering whether our products would benefit you, please reach out to us by emailing us at orders@graceandmaggie.com.au


Can I purchase your items through my NDIS package?

You sure can! Grace & Maggie's playmats and sensory toys are approved by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). All of our products have design features that assist in the act of self regulation, calming and strengthening. For more information talk to your NDIS Plan Manager or see:



How do I purchase your items through my NDIS package?

  • Self Managed

    You complete your purchase independently and are reimbursed for purchases made.


    Complete your purchase your goods by shopping online, and a tax invoice will be emailed to you for your independent claim.


  • Plan Managed

     - You send an invoice for approval and payment by your Plan Manager


    1. Choose items that support your child's NDIS goals & add them to your cart


    2. Go to the Checkout page and select NDIS invoice/Quote


    3. A quote will be emailed to you for you to forward to your plan manager. Please request your plan manager email us remittance at ndis@graceandmaggie.com.au. 

    Your Plan Manager will assess whether the items are reasonable and appropriate for each unique NDIS plan. Once your purchases are approved and payment is received, we will send you a confirmation email and dispatch your order. 

  • NDIA Managed

    Your orders are processed through the NDIS portal through our direct secure link. 



    1. Choose items that support your child's NDIS goals and add them to your cart

    2. Go to the Checkout page and select NDIS as your payment method.

    3. We will automatically lodge your order through the NDIA portal however you will need to complete the online form in order for this to be processed.



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